Behind the Scenes: Building a High-Powered Lead Generation Strategy | 733
Have you ever wanted to go behind the scenes to be in the room where it happens? Well, that's where I'm going to take you today on this edition of the Inside BS Show. Hey now, I'm Dave Lorenzo. I'm the Godfather of Growth and today on the Inside BS Show, we're taking you behind the scenes and we're going to share with you how we develop a lead generation system for our business.
That's right, we're reinventing how we generate leads here at Exit Success Lab and we're bringing you along for the ride. On today's Inside BS Show, we're breaking down the systems, the tools, and the strategies we're testing to create a high-powered lead generation machine. This is going to be valuable to you whether you're a business owner or a marketing or a sales professional or just somebody who's curious about how the pros do what they do behind the scenes.
So let me give you kind of an overview. I am in Chicago today and it's the day before I'm due to give a presentation to a room full of business owners. There will be 50 business owners in the room and they own local businesses all throughout the Chicagoland area and my talk is on the Inside Business Secrets to Growth Acceleration.
What I'm going to do is I'm tweaking the message we normally deliver in our lead generation presentations. Typically, Nikki G, Nikola, and I will do a lead generation presentation on exit planning and we'll talk about one of our 10 drivers of enterprise value and we'll really hone in on the exit planning message. What we've learned over the last six months is that the business owners who come to our events are sort of interested in exit planning but what they're really interested in is making more money now.
They want to grow their businesses. There are three types of business owners who show up at these events. The first type of business owner is what we would call a main street business owner.
They own a main street business. That means that their business is probably doing less than five million dollars a year in annual revenue. In fact, it may even be doing less than a million dollars a year in annual revenue.
For us, we consider those main street business owners to be doing less than five million in revenue every year. The entrepreneurial business owners, these entrepreneurs are doing revenue in the neighborhood of more than five million but generally less than say 10 million in annual revenue. Then we have the CEOs of enterprises, the CEOs of businesses who are interested in growing and scaling as rapidly as possible and getting as big as possible and then potentially being acquired down the road.
They have some thought that they put into exit strategy. The three categories of business owner again, main street business owners, five million or less in annual revenue. Entrepreneurs, between five and 10 million and then CEOs of enterprises, 10 million and up.
In this room, tomorrow night, they'll be all three categories of those folks. The main street business owners think to themselves, hey, how much money can I make? How can I enable my lifestyle? The entrepreneurs think that they need to be focused on working on the business and not in the business just like Michael Gerber, E-myth dictates. Then the enterprise CEOs are focused on increasing the value of their business because they view their business as an investment.
All three of these people will be in the room and our message has to land with all three of them. What are we going to do? How are we going to create a presentation that will identify the people in the room that are going to be good leads for us? There are 50 business owners who'll be in the room. Not all 50 are going to be good potential leads for us.
What we're going to do is I'm going to go through the presentation, share the drivers of enterprise value with them, but explain that we want them focused on growth. We want the main street business owner, the owners of the lifestyle business, we want them to consider being entrepreneurs and up-leveling their business over $5 million in annual revenue. We want the entrepreneurial business owners to up-level their businesses to over $10 million in annual revenue.
We want the CEOs of enterprise businesses to grow way beyond that $10 million to $20 million and beyond. We want everybody to move to the next level. That's what our goal is.
In the presentation, I'm going to call them out. I'm going to explain to them what category they fall into. I'm going to share the questions that we ask business owners to start every engagement, to start every conversation.
What's your business worth today? What will it be worth three years from now and how will you get there? Then I'll introduce the drivers of enterprise value. I'll explain to them that the most important drivers of enterprise value are diversity and quality of revenue, as well as sales and marketing systems and support. Then I'm going to share with them the qualities of a leader who's successful.
I'm going to reference Napoleon Hill's book, Think and Grow Rich, and the five qualities that resonate with business owners from that book. At the end of the presentation, I'm going to make them an offer. The offer is going to be to fill out a form and turn it in.
If they turn in the form, they will get one of my books, The 60 Second Sale, one of my books that I wrote most recently on growing a business. They'll also have the opportunity to have a free consultation with me. That's the lead generation portion of the presentation.
This presentation, the content will connect and land well with them, but the thing that will get them engaged is how they connect with me. It's how they feel about me and whether they've developed a relationship with me during the brief time I have when I'm with them. I have about 30 to 35 minutes to deliver the entire talk and make my offer.
Then they have to move on because they do other things in this meeting. My goal for this presentation is to do three specific things. My goal is to connect with everyone in the audience who has the desire to grow their business, the desire to increase the value in their business.
I want to deliver some important information to them about business growth. Then I want to demonstrate that I am an expert in this area. One of the ways I'm going to do that is I'm going to give them a handout on business growth and the 15 ways to grow a business that we employ when we go in and when we review a business.
Then at the end, I'm going to say to them, if you want more on this information, fill out this form and I will hand out a form. Turn it in and you'll be eligible for a free consultation with me on how to grow your business. My hope is that there's a rush to turn those forms in.
My hope is that there's a stampede, if you will, of people who want to work with me. Candidly, if we get one or two people turning those forms in, I'll be happy. The more, the better.
This is true lead generation because everyone who fills in that form is saying they are interested in who we are and what we do. They want some help growing their business. They want some help achieving their goals.
That's what we do at Exit Success Lab. I'll deliver this presentation tomorrow night. I'm going to take you along with me.
That's right. I'm taking you along with me. I will be wearing a lapel mic that records the presentation.
You'll hear me crystal clear. You may hear some audience interaction. Sometimes the mic can pick that up.
The idea is that I'm going to take you along with me on this entire journey. Today, I'm giving you the pregame. This is the show before the show.
I'm telling you what our strategy is. Tomorrow, you're going to hear the actual presentation. The day after tomorrow, I'm going to share with you my thoughts as we wrap up the lead generation opportunity.
I'll give you a recap of the opportunity that we surfaced in delivering the presentation. Nikki G will be joining me. She's going to be in the audience tomorrow because this is the first time we're delivering this talk.
I prepared it so that it could be delivered just by me. I've been doing some variation of a lead generation talk based on growth for years and years and years. This is not something that is unfamiliar to me.
The way I'm delivering it tomorrow is brand new for me. It's going to be interesting. You're going to be with us.
You and me and Nikki G will be there in the room where it happens in Chicago, Illinois. I can't wait to take you along with me. Until then, my name is Dave Lorenzo.
I'm the Godfather of Growth. Here's hoping you make a great living and live a great life.